A source exists in two complementary representations; as an objective pulse of matter in time and as a subjective matter spectrum at a given moment. A source is a superposition of simpler sources and past matter actions that have all accreted smaller sources into a present moment and the present moment is therefore a superposition of those past actions. That superposition in time represents an objective Cartesian particle reality and corresponds to the material reality that we imagine exists outside of our minds.

However, the superposition in a matter spectrum represents how the source relates to the rest of the universe and to that source's many possible futures. A matter spectrum of wave-like phase and amplitude represents a source as a superposition of possible futures. That matter spectrum represents a relational wave-like reality and corresponds to the immaterial or ideal reality that we imagine exists within our minds. Consciousness is a matter spectrometer that measures the properties of an source at a given moment. Although a matter spectrum represents a source's fixed past, the evolution of that matter spectrum includes many possible futures and is not fixed.
The present moment of an source is both the known or at least knowable Cartesian representation along with the uncertainty of its relations with other sources. A Cartesian source comprises a knowable fossil record of its past matter spectrum while a relational source comprises the uncertainty of the many possible futures of what that source might become. All that we know about a source in the present moment, though, is its matter spectrum or color and one particular color is time delay.
A Cartesian source is made up of fossil matter moments in the present moment with only the actions of a chaotic past where that the source came into existence as in the above figure. A relational source is a superposition of all of its possible futures as a matter spectrum and there are many possible futures that equally well and uniquely describe each source. Even though a source will only ever realize one particular future, the totality of all of the source's other possible futures completely describes that source just as the superposition of its past actions also completely describe the source.
Each source is then equivalent to a superposition of matter wave amplitudes and phases over all
time and when those matter waves constructively interfere, an source exists. When an source's matter waves all have a
common phase and coherence, that property is the time delay of that source from an observer. Each source also exists in a present moment as a superposition of its possible futures, which are the many matter spectra that include source relations with the entire universe
at the present moment. Matter waves will have different phases or
possibilities that appear in more than one possible location in space from a source, but matter waves are tied to a common time delay from a source. An observer says that a source exists when they observe it in one place in space as a clump of mass or
intensity with one common time delay. But before a source exists at that one time delay as intensity, it
may have had coherent amplitudes and therefore other possible futures in more than one location.
Once an observer experiences a source's actual future as the present, all of its other possible futures then decay away. However, all of the other possible futures do not instantaneously dissipate and rather the other futures decay over finite times. The present moment is then a superposition of possible futures and a source can therefore exist in many states during some very short dephasing time.
Matter waves represent all of a source's possible futures
and the possibilities of a source all exist before the realization of an
source in just one place with just one phase and that one future becomes the present moment. Interactions with other sources in the past localize or dephase most sources that we experience, but there are some
sources that continue to exist as superpositions of coherent phase and only localize or dephase when we personally experience or dephase them ourselves. Such matter
waves comprise the time moments of a source and with its time moments frozen
in the past, sources that we observe in the present have all existed as matter
wave superpositions sometime in the past as well.
Observers are also sources and they are bound into a
universe of matter and action. Observers exchange matter as waves of amplitude and phase with sources and that matter exchange binds observers to those other sources. What observers sense about a source comes from the light, sound, touch,
taste, and smell of that source and from these subjective sensations observers imagine
a Cartesian source in one location with one phase. This would be philosophy's source in
and of itself, our objective reality, but what we call objective reality is just one of the many possible futures for spectral sources.
We can share and agree with others about measurements of sources with various instruments and techniques that discover all kinds of properties of objective reality, which essentially are the matter spectra of an source. Mass, time, spatial displacement, porosity, color,
temperature, etc., are all properties that observers measure and those measurements
form an objective reality for each source as a superposition of its matter spectra. Other observers can perform the same
measurements and pretty much agree on the same objective properties of a source , its qualia, within some
uncertainty. We further imagine that we exchange light and matter with all
sources and that exchange is actually how we relate physically to the sources we imagine.
Instead of just our sensations, which are ours alone,
we can also agree with other observers about the objective properties of a source, properties that we actually only know subjectively. Thus we imagine sources exist in the Cartesian
space outside of our mind and yet we know that we only sense some very few of the many possible futures of those sources by exchange of matter and light and we are just part of one
of those possible futures. What we sense are the time delays of a source along with any changes in time delays or matter.
We do not sense matter wave amplitude or phase, rather we
sense matter wave intensity, which is the product of the matter wave amplitudes and typically no longer entangles phase coherence. Moreover, each sensation or measurement only represents
a limited number of the total possible futures for the source's matter spectrum. While a matter
wave that we sense only represents one possibility for an source, we still imagine a complete reality
for that source despite the limitations of sensation.
However, we can infer what a single matter wave is like by repeated measurements of a portion of a coherent superposition of identical matter waves. If we were inside of a low frequency but
high intensity superposition of coherent photons, we can know what the photon
matter wave is like by repeated sampling of its identical superimposed photons. When we sense a
potential as voltage, we absorb a small number of photons of the energy of that superposition
and infer the nature of the rest of the superposition as a source. When we sense a photon at
one Hz with an amplitude of one hundred thousand volts, the electric field that
is a 100,000 volt amplitude polarizes in one direction, with plenty
of sparks and charging, and later we feel no electric field, and then the
electric field polarizes opposite with similar fireworks. So, have we sensed a photon
wavefunction or just the collapse of a photon wavefunction?
Is the wavefunction of the photon real or just imaginary?
The amplitude of a single photon at a frequency of 1 Hz is only 60e-9 volts, sixty billionths of a volt, and so there would be something like 6e13 coincident photons to make up the current of a 100,000 volt wavepacket. So we sense the details of this wavepacket by consuming some small fraction of its photons and presume
that the rest of the wavepacket is made up of identical photons. Thus, we
can actually measure the shape of a wavefunction by using scaling arguments and that makes it real.
The amplitude of earth's orbit is a gravity wave at 3.2e-8 Hz and that wave is a very small matter exchange. This gravity wave is the quadrupole photon pair whose exchange with the sun holds the earth to the sun and amounts to a matter wave exchange with the sun of 0.15 earth masses per year. While the earth and sun exchange a large number of dipole photons of lights, it is the excahnge of a very small fraction of quadrupole photon exchanges that we call gravity force.
As long as we can create a large number of coherent and
identical photons, we can measure to arbitrary precision the form of the
wavefunction for that photon using a scaling argument. It is in this sense that we can show that a
wavefunction or matter wave exists as amplitude. Science uses imaginary numbers to help
represent cyclic action of a matter wave since the real term represents an in-phase amplitude
while the imaginary term represents an out-of-phase amplitude.
The nature of our quantum reality is a collection of oscillating matter waves and quantum action represents the in phase reality with real terms and the out of phase reality with imaginary terms. The real and imaginary terms simply represent the in and out of phase parts of reality that are both solutions to the Schrödinger equation. The reality of phase coherence for matter tends to confuse us because our sensation of
a source, i.e. its mass, oscillates with periods that are far beyond sensation. We do
sense many properties of light, however, that are due to its oscillation and so
it seems like light and matter are very different sources when in fact light is
just another manifestation of matter.
pair of gravity bodies can have superposition orbits at their Lagrange points, which are points in an orbit where forces are equal and opposite. Smaller sources on
these Lagrange orbits A and B have two possible futures around either of the
two large bodies like the earth and moon and such sources can then show coherence between orbits. Lagrange
points appear to prepare matter into coherent gravitational states that show interference and exchange effects that quantum gravity generates.
Lost In Space was a 1960’s sitcom that was very popular and now lost in
space is a metaphor for what is lacking with mainstream science’s approach to the
cosmos. Einstein gave us two very important precepts that have greatly helped
us to understand the nature of the universe, mass-energy equivalence and gravity delay of light. But Einstein's relativity also left science with a intractable determinism incommensurate with our quantum logic. Space and motion are simple incommensurate between relativity and quantum actions for the same source.
The foundation of general relativity is that energy is equivalent to matter
as the mass-energy equivalence, E = mc2, or MEE. What MEE means is that source motion as kinetic energy in space is equivalent to an increase in the inertial mass of the source. Turning MEE around means that space and motion actually emerge from changes
in the inertial mass of a source over time. So,
a source’s action is then a result of a change in its mass and so mass-energy equivalence is not due to motion per se. Rather, motion and space are both the result of MEE and it is kinetic matter that represents kinetic energy and therefore motion in space emerges from kinetic matter. Correspondingly, space itself emerges from the different time delays that we sense for sources and their backgrounds. When the time delays do not change, the potential
matter changes such as gravity represent potential energy from which emerges fields in space. While science normally imagines that fields exist a priori in an otherwise empty void of space, our notion of space actually emerges from the unchanging time delays among sources that represent all possible futures.
Mass-energy equivalence results in the dilation of time and with the Lorentz factor, spatial
dilation emerges from MEE. Thus it is the very subtle changes in matter over time that describes all action and so motion in space is in some sense simply how we interpret the changes in time delays that we sense as the very subtle changes of matter
in time that are action.
Continuous space and motion are two very important notions that represent reality very well. However, continuous space and motion are simply fundamentally incommensurate between gravity and quantum action. In order to fashion a nice quantum gravity, it is necessary to use the notions of discrete matter and time delay to make the quantum action of charge force consistent with a quantum gravity. This
approach, called discrete matter and time delay, replaces the pivotal and intuitive role of continuous spatial
displacement for action that is the basis of mainstream science. Action in matter time instead involves discrete exchanges of matter among sources over
time and it is from those exchanges that the realities of space and motion emerge from how we imagine the cosmos. The simple axioms of matter and a two dimensional time are then consistent with the very powerful tools of quantum action to also define the realm of gravity action.
Gravity results in deflections as well as stable orbits of bodies in space, but gravity also compresses matter in sources and that compression heats the body. In stars, compression and heating results in quantum action of fusion of elements yielding large amounts of heat and light and neutrinos. Gravity
compression is the increased bonding states between matter particles
by the gravity action of other matter particles of a body. Gravity compression results in mass loss from the radiation of heat and a concomitant formation of potential matter in the compression of the bonds between electrons and protons.
It is somewhat ironic that it is the matter loss as the radiation of heat that leads to the nuclear bonds of fusion that then release even more
heat and light and neutrinos. The heat generated by gravitational compression conducts to the surface of the body and radiates as light just as the heat of fusion also conducts to the surface and radiates, but that diffusion of heat can take tens of millions of years for
a body like our sun. In other words, the heat of our sun today was the result of fusion that occurred tens of millions of years ago in the sun's center.
The radiation of photons into the universe as heat seems to be simply a
byproduct of gravity compression of matter. Gravity compresses the matter of a body and that compression heats the body by pushing the electrons of atoms and molecules closer together. The nuclei of those atoms then move to the new minimum potential energy and that motion is the kinetic energy that we call heat. In reality, it is that radiation that causes
gravity force compression, not the other way around. We can equally well
imagine correlated pairs of quadrupole photons radiating from the surface of a body as causing the gravity
action that compresses that body as vice
versa. In other words, science tends to think of gravity action as heating a source by
compression and the heat emitting from the surface as dipolar light. Even though this is largely true, it is also the action of
photon quadrupole emission at the surface and the diffusion of heat to the surface that represents the bonding of potential matter that we think
of as gravity action.
Charge force represents the bonding of electrons to nucleons
and is due to the exchange of photons between electrons and nucleons. Each
bonding photon in matter represents an exchange that has a complementary photon exchange that further bonds that matter to the
universe as gravity force. Gravity force is the result of the bonding of
the matter of the universe to both electrons and nucleons by the exchange of photons between the
universe and the body. The basic decay of matter, mdot, is a dephasing decay of the universe boson matter
that represents all force.
What this means is that the difference between a photon as a
binding particle for quantum action and a photon as complementary binding
particle for gravity action is in the ratio of electron to gaechron mass.
A photon emitted to the universe creates a binding state with the universe that complements the photon bound state of charge force, which is a binding
state of electron mass. This complementarity provides the logical connection between charge and
gravity forces into the single unified theme of quantum action.
The time periods of quantum and gravity action are the two clocks that define our reality. While the atomic clock represents time as resonance of an electron-proton bond, the gravity clock of our cosmos ticks with the resonance of the billions of years of a universe pulse in time. Thus, the ratio of these two clock pulses represents the 1e39 difference between charge and gravity forces that bedevils science's imagination.
A two dimensional time represents the time of both our microscopic reality as well as the time of our macroscopic reality as the cosmos. While we live in what we call proper time, a time that is between atomic and cosmic times, each source action occurs with time as a dipole with both amplitude and phase and each pair of sources represent a time quadrupole and it is that time quadrupole that represents the time of both charge and gravity forces.