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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Black Holes Are Not Aethertime Singularties

Black holes represent singularities in space and time for body-centered force since the accretion of mass eventually results in the complete absorption of light and so black holes do not shine. But in aethertime, black holes are not singularities of matter and action since black holes still have both matter and action. Because continuous space and time emerge from matter and action of spin in aethertime, it is the spin of a black hole that retains the information of the light and matter the black hole absorbs. There are lots of difficulties with the notions of continuous space and time and the black holes of mainstream science are simply a result of the limitations of these notions.

Continuous space and time are both infinite divisible, which is a consequence that dates back to the Greek philosopher Zeno as well as to many of the other ancients. The Chinese Dao presumes the infinite divisibility of space and time is in the qi or flow of energy among objects from yin to yang, earth to space. The Indian Vedas detail this infinite divisibility with the notion of Vishnu, who connects objects created by Brahma to those destroyed by Shiva in a perpetual cycle of reincarnation. The Buddhist dharma or teaching is that the infinitely divisible connects nirvana or heaven to the sangha or believers. And Christians teach that the holy spirit is an infinitely divisible connection between a father in heaven to a son on earth.

The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus declared that objects are not after all infinitely divisible but rather objects are made up of finite atoms. Today science instead concludes that quark pairs are the finite particles that make up all matter, but this is consistent with the notion of finite and not infinite divisibility. Presuming that the universe is likewise not infinitely divisible means that the universe is made up of some kind of finite aether particles.

As a result, the universe is not therefore made up of empty space that is filled with a finite aether, rather the universe is made up of a finite aether from which emerges the notions of continuous space and time. A black hole is an object of matter that exists within continuous space and time and the logic of general relativity works only up until the space and time of the event horizon of a black hole, which is its spatial surface. As a result, the inside of a black hole does not make any sense in general relativity.

In the logic of aethertime, a black hole exists with a mass, a time delay, and an action or motion relative to an observer. Motion in this sense is the matter equivalent change and motion through space as velocity emerges from the matter equivalent change of objects. Without an empty space to fill with objects, there is no sense to an inside versus an outside since the entire black hole simply has the single property of one time delay, one mass relative to an observer, and one matter change, its spin.

There is a further information paradox for a black hole that supposes that the information of the objects that accreted into the black hole cannot simply disappear from the universe. In aethertime, it is the further property of quantum phase and spin that holds this information and yet quantum phase and spin have no meaning in general relativity. The black hole has the quantum property of phase coherence and it is the phase coherence of a black hole spin that preserves all of the information from all of the objects that accreted to form the black hole.

Given the limited notions of continuous space and time, it is the way that a black hole spins that captures all of the information of objects that accrete along with black hole mass, time delay, and matter equivalent velocity. But in aethertime, all black holes have angular momentum and therefore exist as a centered torus as the figure shows. Similar to the electron spin that represents all of its fundamental properties, black hole spin represents all of its properties as well.

Notions of continuous volume in space and continuous time come from the different time delays that we measure from different parts of an object. Although all objects invariably do spin, spin in general relativity is a simple manifestation of the conservation of the angular momentum of the objects that it accretes.

However, the quantum spin of every atom of an object contributes to the total quantum spin of the accreted object and so accretion changes an object's quantum spin as well as its classical spin. Although there is a large literature on the effects of angular momentum for a black hole, there does not seem to be much about the effects of the quantum spin of a black hole.

Since a black hole is fundamentally a pure quantum object in aethertime, the phase coherences of the black hole's precursor's electrons, nuclei, and quark pairs represent all of the rest of the information that made up those precursor objects along with mass, time delay, and matter equivalent velocity.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Cost of Happiness and the Human Development Index (HDI)

People all have the selfish pleasure of discovering people and things in the world necessary for a desirable future. Among the many things for a desirable future are education, income, and healthcare, but living longer is not really the only desirable future. Living well necessarily includes the selfish pleasure of discovery as well as compassion for others and the skills and competence necessary to live a desirable life.

The human development index (HDI) was created by the UN to rank the desirability of countries and social systems. Basically the HDI factors in per capita GDP, per capita education, and life expectancy along with a bunch of other factors to get an HDI. The means to live a desirable life is provided by a per capita GDP and a compliant political system, the selfish pleasure of discovery, the compassion of others, a valuable skill set and political system that per capita education provides, and of course, a life expectancy that means living long enough to then have that desirable life.

As a result, the HDI represents a kind of happiness for each country. While the U.S. has an index of 91.5 and ranks about 8th, Norway leads all with 94.4 even as Sweden lags with 90.7. The HDI shows the overwhelming success of capital free markets in buying HDI points and the indisputable failure of social big government to even acquire a reasonable HDI.

However, HDI happiness is not cheap and the graph below shows the how much 100 HDI points cost in terms of tax as %GDP. The U.S. pays about one third as much as Norway for the same happiness, 11.5 versus 28.9 taxes%GDP per 100 HDI's. The U.S. pays a much lower %GDP for its HDI than many less efficient countries that overpay for their happiness. The U.S. along with Switzerland, Germany, Canada, and Japan pay for happiness with much more efficient economies than Norway, France, or UK.

Happiness and its cost.
Thus the U.S. could choose to buy another 3 HDI points to equal Norway for just one third of the cost that Norway buys its HDI. That is, instead of adopting the very inefficient big government approach of Norway, the U.S. could choose to simply invest more of its own capital free market enterprise and accomplish the same HDI value far more effectively than Norway and certainly also Sweden, France, and the UK.

China and Russia, for example, are at HDI's of 72.7 and 79.8, respectively, and while China pays 14.6% GDP as taxes per 100 HDI points, Russia pays 18.9% GDP as taxes per 100 HDI of happiness. The higher costs of happiness are very apparent as the inefficiencies of socialist tyranny versus the individual freedom of capitalist free market economies.

A desirable life is much more than just living longer and necessarily includes the pleasure of discovery as well as a compassion for others. It is clear that knowledge about the world and the competence to contribute to civilization both allow each of us to truly discover a desirable future.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Google's AlphaGo Wins with Value and Policy

AlphaGo is a deep-learning bilateral neural network, which is a computer program that has two main personalities; Value and Policy. AlphaGo Value and Policy in effect talk with each other but have fundamentally different feelings about how to win the game of Go.

theverge AlphaGo

Value loves to win more than he hates to lose, but Policy hates to lose more than she loves to win. In other words, AlphaGo Value and Policy represent the basic nature of feeling and choice that people recognize as consciousness. The basic definition of consciousness is a recursion of action and sensation; a conscious person acts just like they see (or sense) other conscious people act.

AlphaGo Value corresponds to the human emotion of pleasure while Policy corresponds to the human emotion of anxiety. People make choices based on a singular feeling that involves the processing of many pairs of complementary emotions and not just pleasure and anxiety. Compassion and selfishness, for example, is how people bond or conflict with others, joy and misery, anger and serenity, and pride and shame complete a basic set of complementary emotions that approximate human feeling.

AlphaGo Value gets great pleasure in winning as many stones as possible and Value is willing to take risk while AlphaGo Policy is anxious about losing only one stone...the one stone that wins the game, and plays very cautiously and avoids risk. While Value takes risk and goes for as many stones as possible to win, Policy avoids risk and settles for the one stone that wins the game.

We journey in our lives desiring the same bilateral futures as AlphaGo; a part of us wants the pleasure of winning big and taking risks and a complementary part of us is forever anxious about simply getting by and surviving by avoiding risk. People have more complex emotions than just pleasure and anxiety and so we have more complex and cooperative relationships with other people and the environment.

What AlphaGo's two personalities represent is a fundamental part of the recursion of consciousness and therefore what it is that we mean when we say that someone is conscious. Lee Sedol is the Go world champion who played against Value and Policy, who had been playing each other for four months prior and had therefore both won and lost literally millions of games with each other prior to the match with Sedol.

Sedol has played many hundreds of thousands of games during his life but is simply not able to play the many millions of games that taught Value and Policy how to beat him. While Sedol will improve his skill by playing Value and Policy together, he might do much better playing Value and Policy separately.

Also, to be fair, AlphaGo should also have additional human personalities like anger and shame, for example. That way Sedol could gain advantage in ways that better represent the complexity of human consciousness. The question do you make an AlphaGo angry at a opponent's board position or ashamed of a its own board position. And of course, AlphaGo must show some compassion in not crushing its opponent and allowing some victories while still being selfish enough to win the tournament.