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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Quantum Gravity Biphotons

Another way to look at quantum gravity biphotons is to first consider the single photon transfer from an excited source to excite a phase-matched absorber ground state. As long as the source and absorber are close enough given the dephasing lifetime, a superposition forms between source and absorber. This superposition will collapse by dephasing the source and leaving the absorber excited or by dephasing the absorber and leaving the source excited. The superposition can also result in a chemical bond between the source and absorber and a new molecular ground state.

Although gravity appears to be an attraction between two bodies, quadrupole quantum gravity is a result the bonding of each of the bodies to the collapsing universe, not to each other. Quadrupole quantum gravity involves a complementary pair of photons, a biphoton, that bond each of the two bodies to the universe by a phase match that emits each photon. The gravity shadows between the two bodies is the scalar and vector gravity of quadrupole quantum gravity. Essentially, gravity is the pure collapse of the universe that shows up as bodies shadow each other's bonds to the universe.
The quantum gravity between each of the two stars of a binary involves not only scalar gravity, the only gravity of GR, but also vector quantum gravity. Binary stars therefore execute out-of-plane rosette orbits as a result of the combination of scalar and vector gravity unlike the planar orbits of GR binary stars.

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